妇女的孕前准备:绿妥 - PCOS 600

正常价格 $115.99 Sale price $75.39 救35%

*添加 600 mg CoQ10 辅酶10 和 999 mcg Quatrefolic®第四代叶酸

海岸科技绿妥 - PCOS 600 是专门设计用于帮助患有多囊卵巢综合症的妇女,经由自然或通过辅助生育治疗来受孕的孕前配方。 海岸科技绿妥 - PCOS 600 是科学配方的有效维生素,矿物质和抗氧化剂的组合,可通过优化血液代谢来支持整体生殖健康卵子和卵子的质量,同时还通过改善胰岛素敏感性和促进卵巢功能来满足PCOS患者的独特需求。 海岸科技绿妥 - PCOS 600 为准备自然受孕或经由生育治疗的PCOS妇女提供了一种全面支持的产品。维生素,抗氧化剂和专有混合物的组合可共同发挥作用,以帮助增加受孕和拥有健康婴儿的机会。它是生殖内分泌专家,已批准在IVF方案中使用。



PCOS - 600

Coast Science® pioneered fertility enhancing supplements for the couple trying to conceive. Fertile One® PCOS 600 is a Preconception supplement developed specifically for the PCOS patient as they face their own unique challenges in becoming pregnant. This science-based formulation has been shown to improve:

Ovulatory Function * Insulin Sensitivity *Follicular Development

Quatrefolic®: This superior form of folate protects against neural tube defects and increases the chances of conception.

One of the most important elements required in preparing for conception is obtaining adequate levels of folic acid necessary in preventing neural tube defects (NTD) and poor fetal and/or placental growth. Because a significant portion of the female population lack adequate amounts of the enzyme required to convert folic acid to its biologically active form required for proper absorption, Coast Science® has taken the additional step of replacing folic acid with Quatrefolic®, the metabolically active 5-methylenetetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF), therefore making it readily available to all.

Gymnema Sylvestre: Provides an anti-diabetic effect, thus helping PCOS patients control insulin levels.

D-Chiro-Inositol: Improves the action of insulin resulting in improved ovulation and decreased testosterone.

S-Acetyl-Glutathione: This “master” antioxidant is protective for the egg quality of women with PCOS and can benefit conception and increase ovulation rates.

Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol): The most biologically active form of CoQ10 and a powerful antioxidant that improves egg health.

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ): An antioxidant that complements CoQ10 to improve fertility by decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Based on the most recent research and the advice of our Medical Advisory Board, Coast Science® has increased CoQ10 (Ubiqinol) to 600 mg per serving. Studies have shown that taking increased levels of this powerful antioxidant helps to improve mitochondrial function, egg & embryo quality and increased clinical pregnancy rates.¹

 ¹Clin Med Insights Reprod Health. 2014 Jun 8;8:31-6. doi: 10.4137/CMRH.S14681. eCollection 2014. Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation and Oocyte Aneuploidy in Women Undergoing IVF-ICSI Treatment. Bentov Y1, Hannam T2, Jurisicova A3, Esfandiari N4, Casper RF1.


Dosage: 8 capsules daily. For best results, take four capsules two times ­a ­day, after meals. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

Precaution: If a reaction occurs, consult your physician. Do not purchase this product if seal is missing or broken. Do not use with nitroglycerine or any form of prescription nitrate.

Consult your doctor: This product is a dietary supplement, not a medication.

Warning: Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.

Refrigerate after opening.

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 5.39 in