妇女的孕前准备:红妥 - PC600
妇女的孕前准备:红妥 - PC600
妇女的孕前准备:红妥 - PC600
妇女的孕前准备:红妥 - PC600
妇女的孕前准备:红妥 - PC600
妇女的孕前准备:红妥 - PC600

妇女的孕前准备:红妥 - PC600

正常价格 $113.99 Sale price $91.20 救$22.79

海岸科技红妥 ®PC 600-招牌畅销品
*添加 600 mg CoQ10 辅酶10 和 999 mcg Quatrefolic®第四代叶酸
FertileOne®红妥 PC 600 被批准用于IVF试管婴儿胚胎植入方案,是一种“超级抗氧化剂”和孕前补充剂,其中含有特定的维生素和矿物质,可为女性患者做好生育治疗的准备。 †无论是进行生育治疗还是自然受孕,均可服用FertileOne®红妥 PC 600。 所有成分均具有效力和质量保证,并符合 美国药典(USP),是所有处方药和非处方药以及膳食补充剂的强度、纯度和质量的官方公共标准制定机构.

为了使患者的生殖系统能获得最佳的结果反应,Coast Science™强烈建议您必须持续服用三个月。 对于有些不育类型,例如 DNA 碎片,可能需要持续服用6个月的时间.



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May Improve Egg Quality

Egg health can be the difference between viable and non-viable eggs and embryos. As the cell structure surrounding an ovarian follicle is highly vascularized, the quality of the follicular fluid, and consequently egg quality, may be improved by adhering to a healthy diet as recommended by your physician complemented by a nutritional supplement developed to optimize egg development

Reduces Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress occurs when the body’s ability to control free radical damage is compromised. Free radicals are typically produced as cells go through their normal course of cellular metabolism. These unstable molecules cause damage to healthy cells and DNA, including oocytes and sperm, by stealing electrons and potentially interfering with a woman’s ability to conceive or sustain a healthy pregnancy.

Approved for Use During IVF Protocol

Fertile One® PC 600 is a “super antioxidant” preconception supplement that contains specific vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to prepare women for fertility treatment. Because it does not contain any herbs that could interfere with medications or other aspects of an IVF cycle, it can be used safely throughout in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) protocols.

Cost Effective & Easy to Use

Fertile One® PC 600 is designed to be cost effective and easy to use. No more multiple bottles lining the counter. No more pill sorters. Everything is provided in one bottle with fewer than half as many pills to swallow, and Fertile One® PC 600 costs less than purchasing the same high-quality ingredients separately.

Antioxidants are one of the most important components of healthy fertility because they are able to contribute electrons to free radicals without becoming unstable themselves. Supplementing the diet with optimal dosages of the nutrients found in Fertile One® PC 600, such as Vitamins C and E, DHA, PQQ, Resveratrol and 600 mg CoQ10 (Ubiquinol) have been shown to help protect cells from damage due to oxidative stress.²


Supporting egg health is critical for any woman preparing for conception

A preconception formula is a combination of vitamins and antioxidants taken prior to conception to enhance egg and embryo quality. While a prenatal formula is advised to support a viable pregnancy, a preconception formula is intended to best prepare a woman’s body for conception. One of the most important elements required in preparing for conception is obtaining adequate levels of folic acid necessary to prevent neural tube defects (NTD) and poor fetal and/or placental growth. Because a significant portion of the female population lack adequate amounts of the enzyme required to convert folic acid to its biologically active form required for proper absorption, Coast Science® has taken the additional step of replacing folic acid with Quatrefolic®, the metabolically active 5-methylenetetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF).

Egg quality is a function of two key factors: DNA and the physical environment in which the egg grows and matures. Since a human egg takes approximately 150 days to mature, women should begin optimizing their bodies to produce healthy eggs as much as five months prior to attempting conception. Thus Fertile One® PC 600 will have the maximum opportunity to positively affect the quality of blood and follicular fluid during egg development. Supporting egg health is critical for any woman preparing for conception.

Increased Clinical Pregnancy Rates

Coast Science® Fertile One® PC 600 is a PreConception formula designed to provide the essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can support healthy cell structure and function in order to bolster a woman’s fertility potential. Based on scientific research, this super-antioxidant blend has been specifically developed to improve blood flow and support the quality of follicular fluid and oocytes at the cellular level by preventing vitamin deficiencies and reducing free radical damage. Based on the most recent research and the advice of our Medical Advisory Board, Coast Science® has increased CoQ10 (Ubiqinol) to 600 mg per serving. Studies have shown that taking increased levels of this powerful antioxidant helps to improve mitochondrial function, egg & embryo quality and increased clinical pregnancy rates.¹


Preconception Dosage: 6 capsules daily. For best results, take three capsules, two times-a-day, after meal(s), or as directed by your health care provider. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

Precaution: If reaction occurs, consult your physician. Do not purchase this product if the seal is missing or broken.

Consult your doctor: This product is a dietary supplement, not a medication.

Warning: Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.

Refrigerate after opening.

Weight 0.4 lbs
Dimensions 2.75 × 2.75 × 5.47 in

 ¹Clin Med Insights Reprod Health. 2014 Jun 8;8:31-6. doi: 10.4137/CMRH.S14681. eCollection 2014.Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation and Oocyte Aneuploidy in Women Undergoing IVF-ICSI Treatment. Bentov Y1, Hannam T2, Jurisicova A3, Esfandiari N4, Casper RF1.

²- Fertil Steril. 2016 Mar;105(3):548-59. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.01.013. Epub 2016 Jan 23.Aging and the environment affect gamete and embryo potential: can we intervene? Meldrum DR1, Casper RF2, Diez-Juan A3, Simon C4, Domar AD5, Frydman R6.

